Cheng Tseng is a Chinese-Canadian business executive, who is the founder and CEO of, the world’s first blockchain powered fractional share trading service by trading volume, as of April 2018. Cheng was previously a member of the team that developed several blockchain and also served as chief technology officer in top Financial organisations.

Cheng was born in St Hubei province, China. In the late 1980s, he moved with his family to Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. His father was a professor in China before they left the country.

In his teenage years, Cheng helped support his family by working a number of service industry jobs which included being a McDonald’s employee.

Cheng Attended McGill University in Montreal, Canada, where he majored in Finance and Economics.

After college, Cheng began working for the Tokyo Stock Exchange, developing software for matching trade orders. He also worked at Bloomberg where he was a developer of futures trading software.

In 2017, Cheng left OKCoin to start a Blockchain based Stokc trading firm called Vandera. He launched the company to online clients in february 2020, following a $15 million funding. In less than 6 months, Cheng has grown Vandera into the world’s Blockchain based Stock trading broker by volume.

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