Pierdavid Palumbo, a well-known singer in the world of music, makes a lot of talk about himself, both for his unique voice and for his unmistakable style and for his artistic creations, Pierdavid in his musical career he sang multiple musical genres revealing himself versatile and with his electro swing a revolutionary, The identity of a musical genre is often the result of the combination of factors such as sound, style, topics that become recognizable by an audience of listeners. In recent decades we have witnessed the birth and evolution of different musical phenomena, many of which are the result of the revisitation of old musical genres taken up and rewritten according to modern beats.

Pierdavid Palumbo’s is a very original and creative musical genre. Confirming himself as the first electro crooner in the world, Pierdavid is a musical artist capable of reinterpreting a genre that, evolving from the swing and the style of the crooners of the fifties, flows into a new sound that embraces the sounds of the old school with the most modern beats , making it danceable and balanced.

Gian Belmondo’s son of art, Pierdavid Joseph Palumbo was born in Trani on November 15, 1991 but has lived permanently in Corato for years. At the age of six he made his debut with his father in the first cd entitled “Lucky event” The duet was a huge success, opening the golden doors of Las Vegas. In 2014 he produced an unreleased track entitled My life with you published on the album The thinkerist. Subsequently he participated in a music competition organized by the Pierre Mendès ‐ France University of Saint Martin d’Hères, creating a new text and arrangement of the famous “Les petits papier” by Régine. His highly original reinterpretation wins the prize for the best artistic creation.
In Rome he released Street life, a song by Randy Crawford. The piece, arranged by Digilio and accompanied by saxophonist.

Eric Daniel, is a new smooth jazz version that gets the feedback from an international audience.

In 2018 Pierdavid flies to Cuba with his father. The two produce a new duet entitled That’s life, father and son. In 2019 it is the turn of Historia de un amor, in an unprecedented Latin pop version sung in duet by father and son. For the first time ever the piece is simultaneously performed in two different languages: one part in Spanish entrusted to the voice of Gian Belmondo and the other part in English interpreted by Pierdavid who, for the special occasion, creates a new sequence of the his vocal parts giving the song an alternative sound.

A young man with a thousand artistic facets, capable of making the languages of music, dance and theater his own. His father’s recording room is his laboratory where Pierdavid tries, invents and experiments music, showing off his incredible ability to make historical songs contemporary, through an energetic, lively style, in full electro swing mood.

What were your first steps in the world of music? And how did you approach this genre?

I took my first steps in music for my father, a well-known artist from Trani, Gian Belmondo. Back in 1996 I sang and listened to his records. I watched him on TV and I felt proud, I wanted to be like him and share this passion with him. When we recorded Lucky event in 1997, I was only six years old. We re-proposed songs like Fly me to the moon, Come fly with me by Frank Sinatra. It was a great success, because those songs sung by a child were a big surprise to the audience. From there came the great opportunity to perform in Las Vegas and then on many other stages. Electro swing is a genre that I have been experimenting with in particular for about a year. I have always sung original swing songs, then, listening to the various instrumentals of the genre, I asked myself: why not put your voice in it? I discovered that there is only a female voice that sings on these instrumentals, that of Emerald, the rest are just songs remixed by DJs.

What other artists do you like to inspire and listen to?

I also listen a lot to Tom Jones, Dean Martin, Perry Como and other artists I listened to as a child with my dad.
Let’s talk about your latest single. A spirited and energetic reinterpretation of Sinatra’s My Way. How was it born?
My way is a very sad but wonderful song. The reinterpretation in an electro swing key can at times displace, at times represent a great risk. It might seem crazy to make a sad song dance, but I think it’s important that we young people don’t forget the roots of music, so we need to reinvent ourselves. Frank Sinatra’s music is timeless, timeless. The contrast that is created between the old school of My Way and the modern beats of electro swing is a big news, in this case. It was Digilio pianist and composer of the SiFaRe Publishing record label in Rome, who pointed out
this song to me. Initially I was very hesitant, precisely because it was a question of making a very sad song danceable, but when Francesco handed me his arrangement, I was immediately enthusiastic and I felt very close to what I wanted to create. I recorded the song in my father’s recording room and collaborating remotely with Francesco, we immediately launched it on Spotify. Due to the Covid restrictions, we made the video clip only after a few months. It is a very special video, in which Italian, French and German dancers participate, who wanted to share this project with me. The video was made by Roberto Mangione and Glauco Sardone, while the editing is by Enzo Marcone.

What does music represent for you?

Music for me is life, I live and work with music. When I sing I know I am completely myself. Whether you listen to it or compose it, music is good for the soul. I love music because you can always recreate it, reinvent it and it’s always a continuous discovery, a continuous whirlwind of emotions. In fact, I would like to dedicate My Way to my grandmother, who just recently passed away. She also loved this music very much and was my faithful companion in this wonderful path of musical growth.

And your father? What did it represent in your artistic path?

My father was and is fundamental, because thanks to him my musical journey began. He is my beginning, my primary source of inspiration. He passed on to me the incredible passion of a very distant time: that of America in the 60s and 70s. I inherited his gentleman’s voice and style, which I hope to continue to cultivate. My biggest ambition, in fact, is to carry on and make this musical genre known, creating new covers and, why not, original songs.
In a particular moment like this, where there are no concerts or exhibitions, how does an artist manage to enhance his art?

The social networks for now, unfortunately, they are the only way to perform and interact with the public. I often do live broadcasts on Instagram. At the moment it is not possible for us to program anything, but as soon as possible, I would like to go back to playing on the stages and give the emotions of the music to live people.

Pierdavid Palumbo : https://www.instagram.com/pierdavidpalumbo/?hl=it

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