The H-IIA Launch Vehicle No. 1 was used to launch the X-ray Imaging and Spectroscopy Mission (XRISM) and the Smart Lander for Investigating the Moon (SLIM). 47 (H-IIA F47) at 8:42:11 am on September 7, 2023 (Japan Standard Time, JST) from the Tanegashima Space Center.

The send off vehicle flew according to plan, and it was affirmed that XRISM was effectively isolated from the send off vehicle at around 14 minutes and 9 seconds after send off and Thin at around 47 minutes and 33 seconds after send off.

The Smart Lander for Investigating the Moon (SLIM) and the X-ray Imaging and Spectroscopy Mission (XRISM) are significant missions carried out by the Japanese space agency.


The XRISM mission is fixated on concentrating on X-beam outflows from heavenly items. By observing X-rays from astronomical phenomena like black holes, neutron stars, and galaxy clusters, its primary goal is to gain a deeper comprehension of the universe’s structure and evolution. The mission’s dual focus on imaging and spectroscopy is reflected in its name, XRISM, which stands for X-ray Imaging and Spectroscopy Mission.

XRISM means to convey historic experiences in different logical areas, including the advancement of the universe’s most far reaching structures, the way of behaving of issue under extreme gravitational powers, the twist of dark openings, the internal design of neutron stars, and the unpredictable physical science of molecule jets.


As the name recommends, the Savvy Lander for Examining Moon intends to investigate the Moon’s surface. The primary objective of SLIM is to demonstrate its precision lunar landing capabilities. In comparison to previous missions, which utilized larger landing areas, this would represent a significant advancement. The safe placement of future crewed and uncrewed lunar landers in interesting areas can be made possible by achieving a high level of precision in lunar landings.

The mission makes use of cutting-edge technologies for control, navigation, and guidance. These innovations assist the lander with pursuing ongoing choices during its plummet, permitting it to keep away from snags like rocks and pits.

On the Moon, the Procellarum KREEP Terrane region is where SLIM is intended to land. This region is of specific logical interest because of the presence of explicit kinds of lunar rocks that can offer bits of knowledge into the Moon’s initial volcanic action and its in general land history.

JAXA’s focus on “smart” and effective design is exemplified by the relatively compact SLIM in comparison to other lunar landers. Additionally, it could serve as a model for smaller-scale lunar exploration missions in the future.

Topics #JAXA #Lander #Lunar #XRISM