Being an island, Lakshadweep relies heavily on seafood and coconut in its cuisine; some of the most well-known dishes are kadalakka, kallummakaya curry, octopus, and mus kavaab. In Lakshadweep, seafood such as fish, prawns, crabs, and shellfish are frequently eaten as part of the regional cuisine. Fried fish, fish curry, and different shellfish preparations are popular foods. Another staple food of Lakshadweep is rice, which is typically eaten with curries, either meat or fish. Rice cooked the old-fashioned way has a unique flavor because coconut water is used in place of ordinary water.

In addition, the people enjoy a wide variety of drinks and beverages made with coconut. Rice flour, coconut, and jaggery are common ingredients in local desserts and sweets. Unnakaya, or deep-fried sweetened banana rolls, and other coconut-based confections are some of the most well-liked sweets.

The distinctive fusion of customs, Islamic influences, and the island’s natural resources is reflected in Lakshadweep’s cuisine culture. The abundance of the sea and the significance of the coconut in a daily diet are particularly highlighted in the cuisine. A few dishes that you should definitely try if you want to experience Lakshadweep’s cuisine are listed below.

The most satisfying food in Lakshadweep is its famous and traditional cuisine.

Lakshadweep’s cuisine is a delicious fusion of seafood, coconut, and regional flavors. The availability of regional ingredients and the region’s cultural influences are reflected in the island’s culinary legacy. Lakshadweep’s cuisine highlights the distinct culinary traditions of the islands and the depth of coastal flavors, whether it is a festive biryani or a straightforward fish curry.

Kavaab Mus

One of the most well-known dishes from Lakshadweep is mus kavaab. Curry made from boneless fish is cooked with grated coconut and Indian spices. The ideal way to serve mussafabab is with parotta or rice.

Podichath, Maas

A well-known dish that demonstrates this is Maas Podichath, which is a blend of cuisines from the Maldives, Sri Lanka, and Myanmar in addition to Indian cuisine. The dish called maas is made with small pieces of dried tuna fish. Next, it is combined with grated coconut, finely chopped onion, garlic, and ginger, as well as turmeric and chilli powder, and cooked over low heat. Roti or rice are typically served with Maas Podichath.

Kaalan Kurukku

Lakshadweep’s authentic food culture is exhibited through Kurukku Kaalan, a curry prepared with raw bananas and coconut. The taste of the dish is distinctive, enhanced by the addition of mustard seeds, curry leaves, and green chillies.

Curry, Kallummakaya

One of the best dishes you can try in Lakshadweep is Kallummakaya Curry, which is a seafood haven. In order to give this dish a well-balanced flavor, mussels are cooked in a mixture of coconut milk, curry leaves, and herbs. For optimal flavor, Kallummakaya Curry is frequently served with appams.

Ularthiyathu Kakka Irachi

The popular and traditional Lakshadweep dish “Kakka Irachi Ularthiyathu,” or simply “Octopus Stir-Fry,” is made with octopuses. This dish highlights the culinary prowess of the area when it comes to preparing seafood, particularly octopus. Octopus chunks the size of bite-sized pieces are marinated in a mixture of salt, turmeric powder, red chili powder, and coriander powder. The octopus is added and stir-fried until cooked after sliced onions, minced garlic, grated ginger, chopped green chillies, and curry leaves are cooked in coconut oil.


A traditional treat known as kadalakka pola or kadala pathil, kadalakka is made with chana dal. Cooked slowly, the dal is combined with almonds, cashews, and eggs. In Lakshadweep, the moist cake is regarded as a delicacy.

Mala Mutta

A traditional sweet dish called mutta mala, which is enjoyed in some parts of Kerala and Lakshadweep, is made with eggs, sugar, and coconut milk to form a necklace-shaped treat. In the area, people frequently enjoy it at festive events and celebrations.


Steamed rice cakes called kinnathappam are made with a mixture of rice flour, coconut milk, jaggery, and spices like cumin. It is a well-known sweet cake that is eaten in Lakshadweep and Kerala.

Topics #Island Fusion #Lakshadweep Cuisine #Regional Flavors #Seafood #Traditional Lakshadweep