He created BondApp, a great application to help people bond and connect with each other.

There are many e-books, websites, guides, etc. that can help people understand how one can go about in the entrepreneurial world to achieve success. But, let’s be honest how many of the times have we got our desired results only by trusting these resources? For people to gain inspiration, they must follow the footsteps of already established names in their chosen industries and also learn tips and tricks from people who have achieved their definition of success. Jamal Taleb, CEO and Founder of a one of a kind social app named BondApp, is a versatile entrepreneur, working also as an engineering consultant, realtor, investor and inventor. He suggests a few tips that can help people succeed as independent app developers.https://googleads.g.doubleclick.net/pagead/ads?guci=×188&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.coveragelog.com%2Fa-few-tips-for-succeeding-as-an-independent-app-developer-from-an-ace-tech-expert-and-entrepreneur-jamal-taleb%2F&flash=0&wgl=1&adsid=ChEIgMiTgQYQ-tTk1PKKj-jUARI5AIICxrLpsnYQuBmoZf42lxpvqY6_AGmmrvcjfhmNDDUgtaYAmhkpJN00y6G4TdYN_4uB1uwUGbU5&dt=1613031089306&bpp=12&bdt=1664&idt=903&shv=r20210208&cbv=r20190131&ptt=9&saldr=aa&abxe=1&cookie=ID%3D1ae26c2c4472af25-2252bb6cdfc500d9%3AT%3D1611899791%3ART%3D1611899791%3AS%3DALNI_MaWX3pRHSye0uWKWSMBL3YNqjTVCQ&prev_fmts=0x0%2C1354x609%2C300x600&nras=2&correlator=1239886597547&frm=20&pv=1&ga_vid=904888400.1613031090&ga_sid=1613031090&ga_hid=534671899&ga_fc=0&ga_cid=amp-5YwA2q4W3IfObo1CqCdoYA&rplot=4&u_tz=330&u_his=2&u_java=0&u_h=768&u_w=1366&u_ah=683&u_aw=1366&u_cd=24&u_nplug=0&u_nmime=0&adx=137&ady=1363&biw=1354&bih=609&scr_x=0&scr_y=0&eid=21068769%2C21068893&oid=3&pvsid=4099372510241836&pem=121&rx=0&eae=0&fc=1920&brdim=0%2C27%2C0%2C27%2C1366%2C27%2C1366%2C683%2C1366%2C609&vis=1&rsz=%7C%7CeEbr%7C&abl=CS&pfx=0&fu=8320&bc=31&ifi=1&uci=a!1&btvi=1&fsb=1&xpc=FB9puffCfD&p=https%3A//www.coveragelog.com&dtd=11442

• Learn about the bad apps: Only studying the successful apps in the market will not help individuals to develop a deeper insight as developers. Jamal Taleb suggests them to also study about the bad apps in the market to learn which mistakes to avoid.
• Focus on the design: Key to attracting more people to the app is to focus on its design. Developers must pay attention to what the app is all about and what are its visions, whom it aims to reach, etc. and create a design that can instantly make them feel connected, says Jamal Taleb, who has gone a step further with his unique and refreshing design for BondApp.
• Make it user-friendly: Even if you create an app that exudes newness and innovativeness, but is not easy on use, it may not work out for developers as they desire. Jamal Taleb suggests people to make the app a user-friendly product that anyone can understand and use it conveniently on the go. So, even if the users do not know what the app does, they can figure out how it really works within seconds.

The young entrepreneur and inventor have earned his Bachelors & Masters Degrees in Engineering from Northeastern University. He considers himself as a diverse entrepreneur involved in several companies and also holds executive and managerial positions for the same. With BondApp, he has tried to create a social platform that helps in connecting people using a reversed engineering technique. He invented this app as a solution for those who travel frequently to allow them for connecting with other individuals on the spot after identifying their physical appearance and taking it offline.

Apart from this, Jamal Taleb also owns his real estate development and investment firm called ‘Taleb Realty Inc’, and with an experience of over a decade has fulfilled the home dreams of people in the US.

Connect with him now through his website, https://www.jamaltaleb.com/ and know more about the BondApp, through the website, https://www.bond.app/.

Topics #entrepreneur Jamal Taleb #independent app developer #Jamal Taleb