Kolkata, May 9, 2024: Award-winning filmmaker Ashoke Viswanathan’s latest film, Hemanter Aparanha, transforms audiences through art’s transformative power and poignant journey of love, loss, and realization. Amit Agarwal, producer, Ashoke Viswanathan, director, and the incredible cast of Hemanter Aparanha attended the grand poster launch today at the ICCR in Kolkata, which was presented by renowned and filmmaker Sri. Goutam Ghose. The video explores the atmosphere in a world rocked and stirred by the wars in the Middle East and Ukraine, as well as the tensions of daily life during the pandemic. It does so in a dynamic and dramatic way.

Prior to its release, Amit supported the first stage film “M. S. Dhoni- The Untold Story.” He has also produced movies such as “Simran,” starring Kangana Ranaut, and “Raahgir,” which is currently in development and was directed by noted director Goutam Ghose. While he presents a different film to the Bengali audience for the second time, Hemanter Aparanha seems upbeat and confident that the audience will enjoy it.

Anusha Viswanathan, Rwitobroto Mukherjee, and Satyapriya Mukhopadhyay play key roles in the film’s outstanding cast. Among the impressive supporting group is Bidipta Chakraborty. Lokhichara wrote the songs, and Gourab Chatterjee composed the music. Joydeep Bhowmick did the cinematography, and National Award winner Arghyakamal Mitra did the editing. Amit Agarwal and Ashoke Viswanathan produce Hemanter Aparanha on behalf of AV PRODUCTIONS and ADARSH TELEMEDIA. This June, the movie is being released.

Topics #Amit Agarwal #Anusha Viswanathan #Ashoke Viswanathan #Bengali film #Goutam Ghose #Hemanter Aparanha #Kolkata #News