The Last Chapterr is an upcoming visual artist that has many talents from the fashion community to painting,photography, and working with music artist. Born in San Diego California but raised in Jalisco Mexico. As a photographer he likes to capture moments that can’t be duplicated.

 Painting was the first art that lead him to making his own clothes known as Fleur De Luna ,also taking pictures, and filming .When designing clothing and making custom shoes he makes sure the product is so good it can’t be remade. The Last Chapterr says a product cost more when there is a fewer amounts of one thing, that’s how the value of a item goes up and who would want to see the same shoes. you got, on a lot of people but knowing this one shoe cost thousands due to fewer amounts of that item being made, it brings a emotional attachment towards your product and your creations themselves. 

 The Last Chapterr states “We were put on this earth to create and To leave a mark before we die. Knowing a human created roads,building,technology, and tools to make art ,we as people need to grab those elements and be known for how we feel internally by making art and expressing our true emotions threw creativity.

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